Vocabulary Practice


  • adapt /əˈdæpt/ verb : to change to fit a new situation or conditions

  • contribute /ˈkɑntrɪˌbjut/ verb : to give something to achieve a goal

  • despite /dɪˈspaɪt/ preposition : used to introduce a phrase to explain that something happens even though something else might have prevented it

  • inadequate /ɪnˈædəkwət/ adjective : not enough or not good enough

  • occur /əˈkɜr/ verb : to happen, to take place

  • pebble /ˈpeb(ə)l/ noun : a small stone or rock

  • pond /pɑnd/ noun : a small lake

  • residence /ˈrezɪdəns/ noun : a place where someone lives

  • respond /rɪˈspɑnd/ verb : to react or answer

  • transform /trænsˈfɔrm/ verb : to change shape or become different


Practice 01

Practice 02

Practice 03

Practice 04

Practice 05