Student Book - First Edition - Fall 2024
Google Version (To edit, you must first make your own copy of the document.)
Teacher Book - First Edition - Fall 2024
Google Version (To edit, you must first make your own copy of the document.)
Harmony is an integrated grammar and composition book for intermediate (level 5 of 8) students of English for Speakers of Other Languages. Grammar lessons review basic verb tenses, while composition lessons help students to master a healthy paragraph and then introduce the basic components of an essay. The materials use an overarching theme of the arts to inspire students to think beyond rules and formulas.
While this textbook can be used in many different ways, it is important to note that the skills and vocabulary are cumulative. Likewise, the sequence of activities within a unit have intentional scaffolding to build from implicit to explicit, from presentation to practice to production and ultimately to transfer of knowledge and skills. Aside from the first, each unit includes:
a warm-up writing prompt to elicit authentic writing and activate prior knowledge
an error correction exercise derived from authentic student work to review previous lessons
vocabulary practice with a mix of words from the content of the unit as well as high-frequency terms from the New General Service Word List
grammar lessons presented in a simplified way with examples and exercises that helps students to identify and produce various features and to learn the situations in which they are used
composition lessons with clear models that lead students step-by-step from sentences to paragraphs to essays
essay prompts that encourage students to see writing as an iterative process
Specific topics include:
Unit 01 - Getting started
How to use Google Docs
A note about plagiarism
Writing is a process
Parts of speech
Types of sentences
Common errors
Subject-verb agreement
Run-on sentences and comma splices
Write an email
Unit 02 - Describing with details
Present simple verbs
Writing with sensory language
Writing with specific information
Unit 03 - Perfecting the paragraph
Present progressive verbs
What is a sentence?
What is a paragraph?
Unit 04 - Writing topic sentences
Past simple verbs
Writing topic sentences
Unit 05 - Writing supporting sentences
Past progressive verbs
Using supporting details
Unit 06 - Moving from paragraph to essay
Present perfect verbs
What is an essay?
Parts of an essay
Using a paragraph to write an essay
Unit 07 - Editing and revising your work
Future simple and future progressive verbs
Writing introductions and conclusions
Unit 08 - Writing about reasons
Gerunds and Infinitives
Writing an opinion essay with reasons and examples
Unit 09 - The finishing touches
Appendices in the teacher edition include:
Instructor resources, including course map and learning objectives
Homework assignments with answer key
Practice final exam with answer key
Final exam with answer key
Grading rubrics for writing assignments
This project was funded in part by Open Oregon Educational Resources.
PCC Instructors: This book was intentionally created with fewer than 100 pages so that students could print it for free using their student printing allowance at a PCC computer lab. However, if you wish to have student books available for purchase from the PCC bookstore, you can place an order using this PCC Print Center Job Number: 24663