


 If you wish to edit your own version of this book, please contact me for copies of the Google Docs.

This intermediate writing course is designed for ESOL students as their first step toward academic writing in U.S. colleges. Each two-week unit integrates vocabulary, grammar, and composition in a "just in time" fashion so that students receive instruction on the key tools they need in order to accomplish new writing goals. The lessons cover a basic essay, narrative essay, process essay, and compare/contrast essay. There is also a final one-week unit devoted to editing and proofreading skills. This edition is an update and expansion of work by Delpha Thomas.

PCC Instructors: I also have supplementary D2L instructional exercises to share (videos + comprehension questions) based on videos mostly from SmrtEnglish about composition and grammar. If you are interested, please contact me.

Unit 1: Moving from paragraphs to essays

Unit 2:  Telling a compelling story

Unit 3: It's a process

Unit 4: Exactly the same or totally different?

Unit 5: Good writing is rewriting

PCC INSTRUCTORS: If you wish to make this available for students to purchase from the PCC bookstore, you can use this fake ISBN: 9780000245496.