
Q: What do you mean by "innovation?"

A: When we say innovation, we're speaking specifically about approaches to the teaching and learning space that seek to improve outcomes in classes or programs without creating barriers for student participation. Innovation can apply to new or different ways to use technology, new or innovative ways of approaching instructional practices,  or even the selection and adoption of existing tools or resources in ways unique to your discipline or program.

Q: When are project nominations due? 

A:  Our Intake process cycles twice a year, with Winter/Spring term due January 19th at 5PM  and Fall due October 11th at 5PM. 

Q: What is the maximum awarded for each project? 

A: In the initial phase of our Techquity grant process, we're focusing on awards up to $5000.  We are happy to discuss ideas if they exceed this amount.

Q: How much money is available for grants?

A:  We have funds available in a couple of different budgets, so it is difficult to answer without knowing what type of grants are being proposed.  The funds are also shared with stipends for faculty professional development provided by the Academic and Student Affairs Innovation and Technology division.

Q: Are faculty stipends available to support exploration?

A: Yes, we are using  the Special Projects Rate to pay for faculty participation in work. The current rate is $34.44/hr. 

Q: What reporting and sharing expectations are there? 

A: We ask for quarterly updates (if your project spans multiple terms) and a final evaluation report.  Reports will be shared with the wider community to both promote your efforts and attract future applicants.  Reports can be in the form of a white paper, article, research summary, or digital project- whichever format is most effective to get the word out about this great work! Please see our 'Information for Faculty' page

Q: Can student groups apply for Innovation Hub project funds? 

A: Yes. We ask that any student requests consult with us prior to submitting an application. We would like to make sure there is a faculty or staff sponsor. 

Q: Do I get to see the feedback on my project proposals? 

A: We will do our best to provide feedback from the project review to help with future requests. We're also happy to chat before proposal submission to brainstorm. 

Q: Can this process be used for funding OER projects? 

A:  Using OER itself isn't innovative by default, and we're not looking to fund curriculum updates, but if your project is looking at doing something new or different with open content, please connect with us to discuss.

Q: By what priority are projects funded? 

A: We are still in the initial phase of developing a scoring rubric. We hope to include input from staff, faculty and students in the scoring process.

Q: Where do the funds to support Innovation Hub come from?

A: Funding for Innovation Hub and Techquity Grants primarily come from Strategic Investment Funds, though they can be supplemented by or replaced with Technology Fee funds if projects are identified for larger adoption.

Q: What does Techquity mean?

A: It's a made-up word that fuses technology and equity. There are already at least two other innovation grants at PCC, and we wanted to distinguish this as an opportunity to focus on an innovation that reduces and removes barriers for students. Technology often creates additional costs or reinforces systemic biases and barriers.