Tech Solutions

Spring 2023

Participating in the workplace

Getting in

This semester, we focused on what it takes to move into the workplace and perform there. We kicked off the work with a rewarding set of conversations with over 20 professionals from Bayer Crop Science, who performed mock interviews with our team. They asked great questions, gave feedback on performance, and then shared their own interviewing experiences directly with associates. 

Associates leveraged those lessons in interviews with our internship sponsors, securing experiences in video production, beta testing for a VR firm, cybersecurity work for Parkway, and more.

Some students wanted to pursue subjects in areas where micro-internship opportunities have not yet opened up. For those associates, we launched an advanced project track, pursuing topics like machine learning and geospatial information systems. These students connected with industry contacts who pushed their thinking and gave feedback on their progress. 

Doing the work

This year we had 14 micro-internship and advanced projects running for 12 weeks this semester. In that time, associates encountered a number of experiences that will shape their futures. 

Spark! associates ...

Completed personal projects and received accolades

Tech Solutions associates accomplished much this semester, winning awards, securing summer internships, completing industry certifications, and more. This year ...

And that list doesn’t include the ones who 

Grateful for the journey

Over 90 professionals representing 45 separate organizations gave more than 700 hours of their time to share, advise, coach, and inspire Parkway Spark! Tech Solutions students this year. To say that we are grateful would be an understatement. These professionals made a significant impact on the direction of individuals and future families by generously giving of their time. 

Mary Ann Perkins, a parent of one of our associates, summed up the impact: 

"This year I have watched my kid step incrementally into adulthood through her participation in the program. Gaining experience with building a resume, handling job interviews like a pro, and benefitting from internship and mentorship in a workplace, peer learning and support -- all of this gave my kid more confidence and helped her believe in herself and feel optimistic about what she can achieve in her future education and the career she'll eventually build. 

There is a gap the size of Texas between normal schooling and the culture of "the workforce", and the unknown aspects of it can be intimidating for kids. Spark! Tech Solutions is the bridge. It decoded workplace expectations and norms, broke down elements of it into manageable pieces and then worked on practical skill-building. My daughter was attracted to the program because she is into computers, and Spark! delivered on that for sure, but she got much, much more from the experience."

Thank you to our associates, our parents, and our sponsors. It has been an amazing 2022-23 school year!