PC Exam Timer

Released iPad, Mac and Apple TV App

Parklands Educator Develops a Customisable Digital Assessment Timer

PC Exam Timer was developed by Paul Mayers, a Parklands College educator, entirely on iPad to test whether the iPad could be used to successfully develop and submit apps to the app store without needing to use a Mac.

The app was developed as a timer that educators could use when invigilating examinations. While there are many apps on the app store there were specific requirements for running national examinations. Students are required to be given 10 minutes reading time before the exam commences and then some have extra tiime at the end. This app was initially developed on iPad for iPads and then later redeveloped for use on Apple TV's in the school so that educators did not need to use their own device as the timer. 

PC Exam Timer has preset times for exams between 5 minutes and 3 hours. The app provides for an optional 10 minutes time for reading of the paper before the exam starts. At any point the timer can be paused and adjusted by 5 minutes. The interface has a progress bar to show indicate time remaining. Additionally 15, 10 and 5 minutes warnings are given before the end of the exam. After the countdown timer has completed the extra timer starts (counting up). Exam Administrators can also use the space below the timer to indicate any special exam instructions or notes.