Markers & Themes

Markers of Personalisation of Learning

Underpinning principles of practice that enable greater personalisation of learning for students include:

  1. explicitly linking learning beyond the present moment, by making connections to other learning and to other parts of students’ lives.
  2. drawing out and building on student prior experiences.
  3. providing individual feedback to students that targets their specific learning needs and informs their learning goals.
  4. giving students the opportunity to pace learning at a speed that allows them to achieve.
  5. involving students in the decision making for teaching and learning and using student voice to inform practice.
  6. utilizing assessment to encompass not only assessment of learning , but also assessment for learning and learning through assessment.
  7. having flexibility for accommodating different learning needs
  8. having flexibility to provide more choices for, and involvement of, students in their own learning.
  9. fostering learning environments where students are supported to construct their own meaning.
  10. developing student capacities to be effective learners and nurturing growth mindsets

General themes stemming from inquiries

Theme 1: Digital tools can create ‘deeper learning’

· With appropriate facilitation of learning; and,

· With a framework to support creative and/or critical thinking

Theme 2: Digital tools must add value to the learning

· Can not be a replacement tool

Theme 3: Digital tools must be seamless in the learning environment.

· Can not be disruptive

Theme 4 : To enable students to have agency in their learning, and thus create opportunities for digital pedagogies to have impact, active learning needs to fostered.

Theme 5 : Digital tools must support teacher views of learning.

· Consideration of universal design for learning

· Teachers must believe in the purpose and value a digital tool adds

Theme 6 - Developing students digital literacy and wisdom is a key enabler to learning success