Blendspace & Socrative

What is Blendspace?

Blendspace is a tool that provides a platform to allow easy access for students to access content. It can be used as a method of "curating" resources and "flipping" a classroom. Curation of resources is useful for students as they navigate the complex digital worlds that they inhabit. Flipping a classroom becomes possible when students are able to access content at home and instead use class time to access a teacher for discussion and evaluation of ideas. The link below is a short course that introduces how to use Blendspace

What is Socrative?

Socrative is a web-based platform that allows teachers to create quizzes that students can take quickly on a device. The screenshot below at left is my teacher dashboard, which I use each week to launch a quiz with my Social Studies classes on world events (thanks to Philip Cranston from Classroom Solutions). Below at right is the live results table that shows the progress of my students as they complete the quiz. There is even this free shared resource: "1000 Socratives Shared Quiz List" that can be filtered by a wide number of topics potentially relevant to different classes.