Crutches & Wheelchair Protocol

Any student at Paramus High School experiencing mobility problems or having a physical condition requiring the use of crutches/wheelchair and/or the school elevator during school hours must provide a physician's note.  

The attending physician’s note must include the following:

Only with this physician's note on file can the school make certain accommodations to assist a student experiencing a mobility problem, such as providing barrier-free access to buildings and the elevator and/or assigning another student to assist with carrying books or other belongings. 

Wheelchairs available in the nurse’s offices are only used to transport students or staff members who are ill or injured in acute situations during the school day.  In the event your child needs crutches or a wheelchair to attend school, the parent must make arrangements with their health care provider.

Elevator Use: 

For Paramus High School students, an elevator key and instructions will be issued through the Nurse’s Office after the physician’s note is received by the school nurse. A lost elevator key will be the responsibility of the student/family.