Have Questions About COVID-19?  Call the COVID-19 Hotline at 1-800-962-1253 to speak with a health care professional.  Call 2-1-1 for general questions.  Available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Translators are available.

As per the Sept. 5, 2022 Superintendent's Community Update

We will be transitioning away from an individual case investigation response model to a routine disease control model; 

COVID Immunization Record: If your child has been vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus, please send a copy of the vaccination card for the school medical files.

Q:  If my child is exposed to COVID and has no symptoms, do they have to isolate or quarantine?

A:  No.

Q:  What do I do if I discover my child is COVID-positive?

A:   Notify the School Nurse in your building.  Your child must stay home for five (5) full days starting the day after symptoms first began or, if no symptoms were present, five (5) full days starting the day after they took the test. They may return on the 6th day if they are asymptomatic (including if fever has resolved for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medications).  A negative result is not required to return.  Mask-wearing upon return, while strongly recommended, is optional. 

Q:  What if my child has COVID-compatible symptoms and we elect to have them take a COVID test?

A:   If the results are negative (-), they are still sick and should stay home until better.  If the results are positive (+), your child must stay home for five (5) full days starting the day after symptoms first began. They may return on the 6th day if they are asymptomatic (including if fever has resolved for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medications).  A negative result is not required to return.  Mask-wearing upon return, while strongly recommended, is optional. 

Q:  What if I have COVID-compatible symptoms and elect NOT to take a COVID test?

A:  Taking a COVID test is optional.  However, if your child is symptomatic and doesn't have an alternate diagnosis from their pediatrician, their case would be treated as a presumptive positive.  Your child must stay home for five (5) full days starting the day after symptoms first began.  They may return on the 6th day if they are asymptomatic (including if fever has resolved for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medications).  A negative result is not required to return.  Mask-wearing upon return, while strongly recommended, is optional.