Privacy Notice

The Anti-Big Brother Act, New Jersey Statutes Annotated (N.J.S.A.) 18A:36-39 (P.L. 2013, c.44), requires that parents/guardians of students who have been assigned a district or school owned device for use outside of school in connection with the district’s academic program, must be notified and informed of the following:

“If a school district furnishes a student with a laptop computer, cellular telephone, or other electronic device, the district shall provide the student with written or electronic notification that the electronic device may record or collect information on the student's activity or the student's use of the device if the electronic device is equipped with a camera, global positioning system, or other feature capable of recording or collecting information on the student's activity or use of the device."

This document serves as notice that Paramus Public Schools will not use any of the capabilities in a manner that would violate the privacy rights of the student or any individual residing with the student while they are using the device outside of school.

Finally, all activity on the Chromebook and district-issued email account, whether conducted at school or off site, is subject to search as District property. Paramus Public Schools incorporates the use of a safety management product called “Gaggle,” which will scan all content on the domain to provide early warning detection by flagging and revealing potentially harmful content in email, documents, shared files, images, photos and more.