Class Expectations+ Policies

Class Expectations: 

First and foremost I ask students to…..THINK – Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inappropriate? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?  I find that if I can get students to THINK first, we can stop problems before they start. However, if the behavior is inappropriate students will be asked to stop.  If the problems persist, parents may be contacted. 


 Be Respectful   

 Be Prepared    

 Be Productive     

Be Prompt     

Be Responsible

I expect students to practice these skills daily. I do not tolerate any bullying, disrespect, or intolerance. My classroom RESPECTS all aspects of the individual.

 Art class is a place to express, play, and have fun! 

All rules set forth in the PAPA student handbook will be adhered to.


It's key! I am here for YOU! Reach out to me anytime, text, email, post in google classroom- whatever way works best for you.  I've come to realize and finally understand- you don't know what you don't know. There truly are no dumb questions. ASK. I am here for YOU!


Grades will be entered into Power School on a weekly basis for student/parent/guardian review. Artwork will be assessed per provided rubric. Assignments will be self-assessed as well as teacher-assessed.

Middle School:

50% Projects

30% Classwork

20% Participation

High School:

60% Projects

40% Classwork

Art Rubric:

100-90 points= Exemplary – Followed ALL directions; EXTREME effort; Contrast shown; COMPLETE; Neat; Balanced.

89-80 points = Proficient- “Exemplary” with minor infractions.

79-70 points = Progressing - Some of the items in “Exemplary” are not evident.

69-60 points = Needs Improvement – More than “some” of the items  in    “Exemplary”  are not evident.

59-below= Not Meeting Standards- Incomplete, minimal effort; major infractions from “Exemplary”.

Late Work/Re-grading Policy:

Students have the option to re-do grades until competency is met (or the desired grade is reached). 

I will always accept work past its due date. When grades are due, this can be tricky so try to avoid turning work too late past due date.


It is the responsibility of the student to contact me to get make-up work. 

Stay in the Loop!

Contact me anytime if you have questions or concerns. I will get back to you within 48 hours.

Turn in your work.

Ask questions.

Participate :)