Principal Communication

Sunday, April 12

Dear PJHS Families,

I hope this letter finds your family well in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. On behalf of the Pampa Junior High staff I want to THANK YOU for pulling together to help our school with the unprecedented challenge of distance learning. Our teachers are working remotely from home, but continue to remain in close contact with students through messages on Google Classroom, Remind, email, and/or phone calls. Our teachers are more than willing to help in any way! Please reach out to us through email or by phone. In this letter, please find topics that will be of interest to you as we continue home learning.

Student/Staff Holidays

Please note the following due to the holiday calendar:

Monday - April 13th - student and staff holiday. No meal services.

Tuesday - April 14th - student holiday/staff professional development day. Meal services will resume at 10:30-12:30 at the regular distribution sites.

Wednesday - April 15th - Technology services resume - 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Staff will be unavailable on Monday and Tuesday for remote/digital office hours.

Grades/Monitoring Progress

We have received many questions about how we will be monitoring the progress of our students while they are learning from home. Students will be given a weekly performance level based on the progress they are showing on the weekly assignments. The performance levels will be indicated by one of three "CODES" entered in TxGradebook, and will be available to you through the Parent Portal. There are three levels: Mastery-Making Progress, Approaching Mastery-Making Limited Progress, Not Mastered-No Evidence of Progress.

In the gradebook (TxGradebook), we will use numerical CODES to represent the weekly performance levels. These codes are not like regular grades. They are simply a number we are using to represent the performance level students achieved:

1. Mastery-Making Progress = 100

2. Approaching Mastery-Making Limited Progress = 75

3. Not Mastered-No Evidence of Progress = 65

If you have any questions about the way we will report progress, please email any teacher or administrator! We are happy to help!


During these trying times nothing will be more valuable than your opinion and feedback regarding distance learning for your child. Please take a few minutes to tell us what works and what doesn't. Your opinion matters!

English Survey:

Spanish Survey:

Please know that our hearts and prayers are with you and your families as you face not only the challenges of staying healthy during this pandemic, but adapting to possible job changes and last but not least, teaching your children at home. Please let us know how we can support you during this challenging time! Feel free to send an email or call 806-669-4700 during phone hours, 11:00-1:00 Monday-Friday.

Be well,

Mrs. Winborne

Monday, March 30

HEY Reapers!

We are about to embark on a new journey, uncharted territories that we’ve never seen before. You may feel anxious, uncertain and maybe a little uncomfortable with the task ahead, but make no mistake, we are REAPERS and we can conquer! Remember, you are not alone; your families, teachers, counselors and principals will help you get through these unprecedented times. We are here for each other!

The school will provide you with everything that you need to continue your education without interruption and ensure your success: online books, lessons, counseling, and meals…all of the things you would have if we were actually on campus. Here are some suggestions that will help you be successful learning at home:

1. Remember, we are here for you. Please reach out to us between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. You may call or email during those hours.

2. Be disciplined. Set a schedule. Your lessons are designed so that you actually work three hours a day on assignments.

3. Don’t wait until the last minute to complete your assignments!

4. Log in daily. Your teachers are tracking attendance through participation, so be sure and turn in all work, comment when asked, and send an email if you have questions.

5. Ask for help! There are several ways you can do this: Remind, Google Classroom, email, or a phone call 806.669.4900.

We can do this! Every student in the United States has the very same challenges. We are Texas strong! We are Pampa strong! We are Reaper strong!

Please communicate if you need anything at all!!

I hope to see you all very soon!

Mrs. Winborne