Pāmapūria School
Ruma 6
Pānui - Wiki 1 ō 10 (24 - 28 Āperira)
Welcome back for term 2 whānau. It's a short week because we have a Kāhui Ako Iwi led history day (Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa & Ngāti Kuri) for all staff on Mane/Monday 24th, then it's ANZAC day on Tūrei/Tuesday 25th so we start back on Wenerei/Wednesday 26th. Look forward to seeing you all back at kura.
Mrs Bamber, Whaea Francis & Matua Tiwari
Dates to remember
Wk1 Mane/Monday 24th Āperira/April - Kāhui Ako PLD (no kura).
Tūrei/Tuesday 25th Āperira/April - ANZAC Day (no kura).
Wenerei/Wednesday 26th Āperira/April - First day back for Term 2!
Wk2 Mane/Monday 1st Mei/May - Whole kura haerenga to Kaitaia with Matua Te Ikanui to learn about Nōpera Panakareao and Kaitaia.
Taite/Thursday 4th Mei/May - ANZAC commemoration service 10am.
Wk3 Mane/Monday 8th Mei/May - LitQuiz in Kerikeri (more details to follow).
Wenerei/Wednesday 10th Mei/May - Scooter programme with REAP.
Paraire/Friday 12th Mei/May - Firewood Raffle #1 drawn today.
Rātapu/Sunday 14th Mei/May - Mothers Day!
Wk4 Paraire/Friday 19th Mei/May - Pink Shirt Day.
Wk7 Mane/Monday 5th Hune/June - Kings Birthday Public Holiday (no kura).
Wk9 Paraire/Friday 23rd Hune/June - Firewood Raffle #2 drawn today.
Wk10 Mane/Monday 26th Hune/June - Otago Scientists visit sometime this week.
Tūrei/Tuesday 27th Hune/June - Matariki Ki-o-rahi Games in Taipā.
Paraire/Friday 30th Hune/June - last day for term 2!
Wk1 Mane/Monday 17th Hurae/July - first day back for term 3 🙂
Term 4 - Cook Islands, Rarotonga
Kaupapa - Wāhanga 2, 2023
This term we are focussing on Nōpera Panakareo and Kaitaia
Nōpera Panakareao
Mana Potential/PB4L
Hangarau/Technology: Carving/Bike Maintenance; Garden to table
Pāngarau/Maths: Number sense - place value; read, write, say and do any number, fractions, problem solving, maths language, working mathematically; Measurement - weight (mass), time, volume, (capacity) length, area.