Positive Environment Network of Trainers
(PENT) Cadre
The goal of positive behavior support is not "perfect children." Rather the goal should be creating the perfect environment for enhancing their growth. - Randy Sprick
The Antelope Valley SELPA (AVSELPA) is committed to improving and supporting the knowledge base of providers addressing behavioral concerns for all students. In order to do so, the AVSELPA hosts a professional learning community, which meets most months to address behavior-related topics, as well as provides an opportunity for case study with SELPA-wide colleagues. Contact Stacy Alvey @ the SELPA office to be added as a cadre participant and to receive the zoom meeting access code. District authorization for participation is required.
This webpage was designed to ensure district providers have access to the information and resources disseminated through California's Positive Environments, Network of Trainers, otherwise known as PENT. Explore the pages to learn more about how the Antelope Valley SELPA is supporting positive behavior intervention, learn about the SELPA's BIP Certification Process, discover behavior intervention tools and explore materials shared at past PENT Forums. If you have suggestions or are in need of further information, contact Stacy Alvey @ (661) 274-4136 or email sralvey@palmdalesd.org