Maxwell Popovic

"This year, I wanted to embrace spontaneity in my decisions for film, going with whatever projects pop into my mind. My first project became heftier than I had ever imagined, starting with an idea for a research paper that then flourished into a 50 page paper of research, personal opinion, and case studies centering around influences between Japanese and American cinema. Outside of my paper, I have explored filmmaking without the usual full human subject, making a comedy and a romance in which the actors were fingers and feet, respectively. It has been fun just going with whatever weird ideas I have and carrying them out to the extent I like— I hope the seniors next year will also pursue their ideas naturally as they come."


Favorite Films

Favorite Filmmakers 

Popovic_Japanese/American "Westerns" Paper

Cowboys vs. Samurai


Popovic_Cowboys, Samurai, Space

Cowboys, Samurai, and Space



Nail in the Coffin



