Reading / Writing / Math Homework Support

TCS has reading, writing, math & homework supports for students:

Extra Literacy Instruction (grades 1-6)

     - In grades 1-2, teachers may refer students for Early Literacy Instruction (ELI) - extra one-on-one or group support 2 or 3 times a week.

 - In grades 3 and up, teachers may refer students for extra group literacy support.

AP - Alternate Program to French (grades 4-6)

    - Students who struggle with English, reading, math and/or homework completion, are sometimes given extra support through the Alternate Program to French.  Decisions about changes to second language programming are made in consultation with parents and the Learning Team.

TASK (grades 7-9)

- All Junior High students have a TASK time twice a week in which they can get do homework and get support from an Educational Assistant.

Intensive Reading/Math Support

    - When students have more significant reading/math needs, teachers may refer them to the Learning Support Teacher for evaluation and/or intensive intervention and remediation.

Below, you will find Parent Resources. Sharing information is part of the TCS commitment to partner with parents to provide resources and connections to help parents support their child.  

Most of these are from sources outside of TCS, so please use your discretion.

The Parent Advantage: Helping children become successful learners at home and school.  This handbook from Learn Alberta, guides parents in getting their children ready for learning and studying.  It was originally designed to support students with learning challenges.  Click here for an exerpt.

Summer resources.pdf

Summer Activities to Support Literacy & Math

Math Support

Educational Math Apps

Pizza Fractions

Math Puppy

Rocket Math

Math Drills

Writing Support

How to Write a Sentence.ppt

How to Write a Sentence

Encouraging Writing at Home.pdf

Encouraging Writing

Reading Support