
Are you the parent of a child with a learning difference? Do you have enough information to meet the challenges you're facing? Do you wish you could connect with other parents walking a similar road? 

"Few people realize how difficult it is to be a parent… until they become a parent." Parenting a child with learning differences can be even more difficult, confusing and challenging. It can be so helpful to increase understanding through information provided by experts. It can also help to decrease confusion and loneliness by talking with other parents.

TCS would like to ensure parents feel supported by providing helpful information and opportunities for increased connection. The plan is to form a smaller community of parents, who have children with learning differences, within the larger TCS community. Check back here throughout the year for updates on connection opportunities.

Support For Parents

Do you have questions or concerns about how your child's unique needs will be supported during the pandemic?  Connect with your child's teacher or a Learning Support Teacher.