
You must evaluate each student you are supervising mid-term and at the end of each rotation or semester. The midterm evaluation is a form completed with a Google form link or by fillable PDF document to be returned by email. Final evaluations are completed in CALIPSO. Instructions will be emailed to all preceptors in a timely manner prior to the due date of each evaluation. Please contact Dr. Westrick or Keagan with any questions or concerns you have regarding evaluations.


Midterm evaluations are completed using a Google form or fillable PDF document. If you do not have access to Google at your site, please download, complete and email the PDF version to trent.westrick@pacificu.edu.

Internship Final Evaluation Instructions

PLEASE NOTE: The evaluation is based on KASOs, but not all will apply. Please leave the individual skill blank if it does not apply to your student. Your student will be able to view your evaluation of him/her in CALIPSO.


Midterm evaluations are completed using a Google form. If you do not have access to Google at your site, please download, complete and email the PDF at the bottom of this page to trent.westrick@pacificu.edu.

Externship Final Evaluation on CALIPSO

PLEASE NOTE: The evaluation is based on KASA’s, but not all will apply. Please leave the individual skill blank if it does not apply to your student. Your student will be able to view your evaluation of them in CALIPSO.