International Department

Welcome to PCS!

Pacific Christian School hosts international students from all over the world. We encourage students (domestic and international) to expand their worldviews as they learn more from their classmates. It is a priority to help support them with their academic, social, and emotional needs. We create individualized EAL content in grades K through 7 and provide in-class support in mainstream courses in grades 8-12.

Long-Term Programs

A majority of our fully-international students are looking ahead to post-secondary opportunities across Canada. Students and their families are looking for a community to support their children as they learn in a Canadian education system and grow in Christ. Most students remain here for a minimum of 3 years as they complete courses and language requirements. Students are expected to complete their graduation plan for a Dogwood Diploma.

Short-Term Programs

Over the course of the year, we host several short-term programs at the HS from Japan. Students are here for programs 3 days to 6 months! Often our visitors create cultural immersion experiences that we enjoy across the campus. It is always a delight watching students share and learn from one another with cultural hands-on activities. Students are placed with PCS families for the duration of their stay.

New student Orientation

Offered August 2023.

Sister School -Miyagi Gakuin

Pacific Christian has been working with a sister school in Sendai, Japan for over 30 years. In fact, it is one of the longest sister-school relationships in the province! Every year, students from Miyagi Gakuin Secondary School and Pacific Christian school take turns visiting Sendai or Victoria.

Sarah Edgar

Program Coordinator

Jennifer Kappers

EAL Specialist: Elementary

Grace Kim

International Counsellor

Valerie Secord

Homestay Coordinator