Wilderness Treks

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." - John Muir

In mid October, William Hayes (Associate Chaplain) took eight students on Wilderness Ministry's Fall Break Wilderness Trek to the Dolly Sods Wilderness, WV. The group spent four days backpacking, learning outdoor skills, and exploring their spiritual journeys. Students learned how to set up and move camp, prepare and cook meals, navigate trails, and minimize environmental impact.

Through readings, discussions, and other activities, they explored where they have been and where they hope to go in their own spiritual journeys. The group built a close-knit community in a short amount of time and the students found new friends and a greater confidence in themselves. 

"Throughout the wilderness trek we talked about slowing down and being observant. Since [returning to campus] I have felt more grounded and more sensitive to the world around me."

"The trip helped me to build a deeper sense of belonging and community at OWU. It allowed me to have deep and meaningful conversations with people who started as my peers and ended as my friends."