Sustainable Development Goals

OVES 2020 Virtual STEM Camp

Welcome Oley families! We are glad you are here!

For the last several years, Oley Valley Elementary has hosted a week long day camp for students K-5th grade celebrating STEM with hands-on learning and a ton of fun. This year may look different, but we are excited to explore and learn together virtually. Starting to hear the "I'm bored, what can I do?" questions around your house? Join us! We can wait to hear what you learn together!

We are using this website to let you explore at your own pace when it suits you and your family the best. Pick and choose and explore in the order of your choice. Many activities can be adapted for any age or done as a whole family. We encourage you to dig deeper and do what is most interesting and fun for you and your children.

The Flipgrid website and information below will help us connect. We are hoping you will share projects, ideas, questions and even give feedback to others as we all explore and learn together.

Questions? Please contact us!

Our 2020 STEM Camp Theme is GLOBAL GOALS

What are the Global Goals for Sustainable Development? Watch these videos to learn more!

What are the Global Goals? How can we use our human creativity for good?

We will be learning how to make a difference in our world. Invent! Innovate! Campaign!

Those are huge goals! How do we get started?

This video explains some easy ways to get started. What is important to you? Think and plan, and then let's make a difference!

Join us on Flipgrid to share projects, ask questions, and more!

  • Head to the website https://flipgrid.com/ovesstem or click the button below. You can also download the Flipgrid app on a phone or device.

  • Flip Code: ovesSTEM Grid Password: ovesSTEM (uppercase letters for STEM)

  • Click the green plus sign to record and submit a Flipgrid video.

  • Use a parent approved Google or Microsoft account to log in.

First lesson of STEM Camp: Perseverance!

The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires

Listen to the story The Most Magnificent Thing. We will be making and doing fun projects as part of Virtual STEM Camp this summer. What happens when you get frustrated or it gets hard? Why is it important to keep on trying?

Deconstruct, Learn, Design, Create


Every year one of our favorite STEM Camp activities is to take apart, or deconstruct a piece of technology. We have deconstructed vacuums, computers, remotes, toys, printers and more. Do you have an electronic device (can big big or small) in your house that is broken or you don't use anymore? Let's take it apart and see what's inside!

Parent permission is required! Adult supervision for younger children is suggested as well.

What do you need?

Tools and Safety Equipment

This activity requires some basic tools like screwdrivers and pliers. Use safety goggles, especially when prying and taking things apart. Safety is important!

Don't forget, righty tighty, lefty loosey!

Learn and Ask

Learn as you go! What are you discovering? What gave this technology power? What made it move or run? How can you learn about the parts you are discovering?

Save the pieces and parts as you go in a box or recycled container. Be careful to remove batteries or power before you touch wires or inside components. Adults should also assist with glass or other breakable pieces.

Show us your progress in Flipgrid or ask us questions. We love to help!

Design and Create

Check out our creations from last year's STEM Camp.

These K-1st graders took pieces from their deconstruction projects and recreated a SuperHero tool to match their SuperHero identity and story. We love their creativity!

What can you build to help solve a Global Goal?

You may need a bit of duct tape, wire, or hot glue to create your design. Ask for help as needed but remember, don't give up! Reach out on Flipgrid with any questions and share your projects with us and other STEM Camp participants.

Not sure you can do it? Keep going? Make a difference? Here's your pep talk!