BAckyard How-To

The Challenge

Complete some DIY Projects In and Around Your Backyard!

Materials Needed For All Ages This Week:

  • Age Appropriate Journal or Notebook

  • Pen or Pencil

  • Various Household Materials for Selected Projects

Parent Notes:

  • These activities are a great start to help get your children noticing and learning what is going around in your yard.

  • Morning is best for observations. This may be a great way to get your kids up and going for the day.

  • We started with birds as it may take awhile. By the end of this series, you should have birds visiting your child's habitats. If you are not seeing birds after a week or two, drop us an email.

  • Don't be afraid to get your kids started and let them go a bit. Or, you can participate with them if you have time.

  • By completing these tasks your children will experience math, science, literacy, and social studies all in nature. We have designed these to be grade band specific. Your child may move up or down with no problem depending on their learning needs or preference.

  • Most of all....Have fun and engage with your kids on their adventure, even if it is around the dinner table after a busy day.