6-8 Backyard Fitness and Games

We know many schools are sending home many on-line and hard copy learning opportunities this week. That gives us a chance to help you take a break and keep your body moving during the week in your own backyard! Enjoy learning and developing these ideas. After that, try to get 30 minutes to 1 hour per day of movement in your yard to go along with all of your at home learning.

Active photography

Using a phone or similar device, challenge yourself to create the ultimate action video or photos from a different perspective. This can be a fun way to be active and creative at the same time!

Bike/Scooter Course

If you like to ride a bike or scooter around, challenge yourself to create a course for you to ride through. Sometimes the best courses are in the smallest of areas!

Create A Frisbee Golf Course

If you have a frisbee at home, create a small scale frisbee golf course in your backyard. Find unique items to use as targets and let your imagination run!

Try A new Sport or Skill

Use this time to try a new sport or develop a new skill within a sport that you already play. Some fun sports that might be new to you could include:

  • Mountain Biking/Trail Biking

  • Rip-stick Riding

  • Frisbee Golf