PLC Tools
Science PLCs in Oakland
For over a decade, science teachers in the Oakland Unified School District have been collaborating in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) as a means of professional learning aimed at increasing equitable outcomes for students in Oakland. PLCs are spaces for teachers to collaboratively analyze student work and to plan instruction based on the specific needs of their students.
PLCs have taken various forms over the years and have operated under different names, both at sites and with the OUSD Science Department. Some examples of Science PLCs in Oakland include:
- Team Science (Secondary Science)
- Cal: BLAST (K-5 Science & Literacy)
- NGSS Early Implementation Initiative, Teaching & Learning Collaboratives (TLC)

PLC Facilitator Toolkit
This toolkit is intended to guide Science Teachers Leaders as they support teachers at their sites in learning about the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS.) This toolkit was designed as a resource for Science Teacher Leaders and other facilitators of science PLCs. It is not intended to be prescriptive.

1000 Broadway, Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94607