
“Assessment is like science...To assess our students, we plan and conduct investigations about student learning and then analyze and interpret data to develop models of what students are thinking. These models allow us to predict the effect of additional teaching, addressing the patterns we notice in student understanding and misunderstanding. Assessment allows us to improve our teaching practice over time, spiraling upward”

CA Science Framework, 2016

FOSSMap (Gr 3-5) Assessment Memo - January 2020

FOSSMap Memo

OUSD is committed to providing schools with a standards-aligned system of assessments that support educators in monitoring student progress towards grade-level Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS.) This year, OUSD teachers will utilize the assessment system in Next Generation FOSS program and all 3rd - 8th grade students and teachers will utilize the FOSS assessment system, FOSSMap, to prepare for success on the California Science Test (CAST). The assessment covers science concepts as well as cross-cutting concepts and practices from NGSS, with a focus on higher-order thinking skills and evidence-based reasoning as emphasized in the Common Core.

FOSSMap Assessments for 2nd Trimester (3-5)


Directions for Using FOSSMap (Grades 3-5)

Step 1: Login

Login to with Clever. If you are unable to login, or if you do not see your class, email for assistance.

Step 2: Assigning Tests to Your Class

Quick Start Guide

Video Tutorial

FOSSMap Tutorial 2_Teacher assigns test_Revised.pdf

Step 3: How Students Take the Tests

Quick Start Guide

FOSSMap Tutorial 3_Students start test.pdf

Step 4: Coding (scoring) Open-ended Questions

Quick Start Guide

Video Tutorial

FOSSMap Tutorial 4_Coding Open-Ended Responses.pdf

Step 5: Accessing & Using Data Reports

Quick Start Guide

Video Tutorial

FOSSMap Tutorial 5_ Using Reports.pdf

Troubleshooting &

Frequently Asked Questions

FOSSMap (Gr 3-8) Assessment FAQ 2019-20