Reflective Thinking

Reflective Learning

Click on the video here to listen to how the teachers included opportunites for the children to reflect on their learning.

Reflection Log - Goose Guardians

Reflective Thinking

The children have been reflecting on their learning thorughout this project. Whether has been to reflect on the quality of the product they have made e.g. information board or how successfully they worked together on a community builder. However, the main focus of our reflection activity has been based on a learning log that the children have completed at the end of each day. This is a personal document but the teachers do write back to the children and comment on their reflections.

Reflection Day 1 example

What are you feeling positive about today?

"I am feeling positive. I like my group and I think I'll work great with them and I think we persevered with our work. I am also looking forward for the walk tomorrow."

Do you have any questions, concerns or thoughts about how we can help you for tomorrow?

" I have a couple of questions for Paula and Louise but apart from the I don't have anything."

Reflection Day 2 Example

If you could describe your day in 4 words what would you say?

" Super fun but tiring"

What attitude or skills is a strength of yours ? Explain why you think this ?

"Challenge because I think everyone including myself all took the challenge to finish the walk. Again with risk I think everyone and me took a risk to climb the dumpling because it was steep and slippy."

Reflection Day ?

P4 boy

What went well for you today? What are you feeling positive about ?

I am feeling positive about the poster and I think working in my team went well.

Teacher - I'm glad you are feeling positive Kyle. You and your team have worked well together. Good teamworking skills.

Tell us about the most challenging part of the project today ?

Trying to get the posters done in time.

Teacher - Managing time is a tricky skill, especially whilst working with others. Try to use your team mates skills to decide on what jobs you / they are best doing.

Digitial Tools - Mentimeter

The children also used mentimeter to reflect on the project and their learning. They find this particularly enjoyable and it gave us a real understanding of what was working well and was challenging for the children.