Quality Learning

Quality Criteria

During this project the children were able to apply quality criteria to both the products they were creating e.g. the information poster or the news report as well as the skills they were developing. On this page we will look at both of these.

Skills Criteria - Memory Race

To enable the children to reflect on the Skills and Competencies they were developing we regularly used the Skills Drawings and Skills Fans. As a refresher for the children the children played a memory game. Each team had to take turns to run up to a poster where the skills drawings were shown on a grid. They then had to return to their team where they had to recreate the drawings and identify the skill being shown.

Skills Triangle

On day 2 the children had to identify which skills they thought would be most important for their team as they worked together on the Geese Guardian Challenge. Each group chose 3 skills and wrote them on one side of the folded card. On the other side they wrote what the teachers would hear and see them doing that would let them know that they were developing those skills. They were to be as specific as possible. As they worked on the challenge the teachers recorded observations on post its and added them to the groups folded card.

Product Criteria

In our Problem Based Challenges the children had specific quality criteria that they developed with their teacher. This takes the form of a rubric which children use both in the planning of their product and in the assessing the quality of it. The rubric is then used by the children to self assess their own work but as you can see here their peers are able to use the Rubric to provide feedback to other groups.