Problem Based Tasks

Problem Based Tasks

In this project the children worked through a progression of problem based tasks. These have been written as "Challenges". These challenges progressively built on children's knowledge and skills. They allowed the children to use the knowledge they had gained about the Geese and how climate change was affecting them. It also gave real life context for literacy and numeracy work. Finally they provided the opportunity for the children to work collaboratively on these tasks and develop their skills.

Geese Guardian Challenge 1

Different Geese type challenge

Geese Guardian Challenge 1

Geese Guardian Challenge 1 asked the children to design an information board about each type of Geese that would inform the rest of the school and visitors about the Geese.

Geese Guardian Challenge 2

Slideshow Challenge

Geese Guardian Challenge 2 asked the children to think about how they could share this information with the whole community. The children and their teacher came up with the idea of putting QR codes around the village that would tell people about the Geese and how they can help protect them. This meant that the children had to take all of that they had learned about the Geese and convert into a digital form so that it could be turned into a QR code. The children then had to go on another Expedition around the village and RSPB reserve to decide where the best place would be to place their QR codes.

Geese Guardian Challenge 3

News Report Challenge

Geese Guardian Challenge 3 asked the children to think about the link to wider issue of Climate Change and to create a news broadcast to inform people about Climate Change and it's impact on our Geese. In preperation for this challenge the children looked at how to make a news broadcast.

BBC Making the News

Geese Guardian Challenge 4

Sharing the Learning Challenge.docx

Geese Guardian Challenge 4 asked the children to think about how they could share everything they had learned about the Geese and Climate Change and share that beyond Gartocharn so that everyone would feel as passionately as them about protecting the Geese.

Facebook Post

Slideshow for Parents

Gartocharn Campus Goose Project

Geese Guardian Data Challenges

As part of this project the children were to look at data and how scientists use this to track the effects on Climate Change. This was introduced to the children first of all by doing a data and information handling activity with different lenghts of "sticks" ( See challenge 1 ). Once the children were familiar with this they then moved onto looking at Data about the numbers of Geese. ( See challenge 2 ). This was an ideal opportunity to build a real life context for our numeracy work into the project.

Data Detective Challenge 1
Data Detective Challenge 2