Professional Learning Opportunties

Collaborative Conversations: Introduction to the WDC Competencies Framework

Sessions focussing on introducing the new WDC Competencies Framework and resources.Practitioners have the opportunity to explore the framework and resources, build on ideas, share practice and support each other. 

*If you missed these sessions you can access the materials in Google Classroom Code: ou6a3gf 


Collaborative Professional Inquiry for Future-making

A new series of interactive workshops led by Laura Colucci-Gray (Moray House) in collaboration with Education Scotland Curriculum Innovation group. We will start with two in person sessions on Saturday 18 and Wednesday 29 November. This will be followed by 2 online sessions on 28 February and 21 March 2024. The series will culminate with a final, in person event on 7 June 2024. Click here for further information and to book ( limited to 40 places Scotland-wide)

Programme and dates

In Person workshops

Saturday 18th November – Where do my practices begin? 10 am to 1 pm

Introduction and aims of the course

2 short provocations: Who is a curriculum designer and who is a curriculum maker?

STEAM on the rise: working across the 4 curriculum contexts

Working with clay: exploring the tension between make and design

Group debriefing: emotional responses to own agency and the agency of materials

Musicking with materials: exploring hearing and listening

Group debriefing: the hidden work of curriculum-making

Address the key questions: where do my practices begin? (Reflective task)

Wednesday 29th November – Engaging in sensorial inquiries, 2pm to 6pm

Part 1. Introduction with 1 short provocation: what is a map?

Focusing on the senses: attentive listening and sensorial mapping (in the street; in the garden)

Part 2. Second provocation: Is the map the same as the territory?

Group Activity: Sharing the maps

Part 3. Third provocation: Whose perspective is it?

Group activity: Sharing key principles for designing inclusive place-based inquiries across the curriculum.

Online sessions

Wednesday 28 February 2024 - 3.30 - 5.30pm

Thursday 21 March 2024 - 3.30 - 5.30pm


Michael Fullan, The 6 C's

Michael Fullan, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning

Rethinking Curriculum Webinar Series

An online webinar series which brings together teachers from a range of settings to consider their curriculum and how the work of experts could develop their work further. The 3 webinars cover:

Focus on: Critical Thinking and Creativity

Webinar: Rosenshine’s Principles: Questioning, with Tom Sherrington - Chartered College of Teaching

Webinar: Assessing Creative Thinking: What, Why and How? - OECD Education & Skills

Assessing creative thinking: what, why and how?

Creative thinking is a key skill for young people. For many years, future-oriented educational frameworks or skills rankings placed creative thinking near the top of their priorities. How can we make creative thinking visible, comparable, and amenable to policy and classroom action?

Some might argue that assessment directly opposes efforts to strengthen creativity in the classroom, while others argue that creativity is too hard to define and measure. But we cannot improve or call attention to what we cannot see. We need to do more to support educators and policymakers in recognising, building, and rewarding creative thinking in education systems. Click here to watch 

Webinar: Metacognition in the Classroom and Beyond - Scottish Learning Festival 2022

Webinar: Assessing Creative Thinking: What, Why and How? - OECD Education & Skills

Assessing creative thinking: what, why and how?

Creative thinking is a key skill for young people. For many years, future-oriented educational frameworks or skills rankings placed creative thinking near the top of their priorities. How can we make creative thinking visible, comparable, and amenable to policy and classroom action?

Some might argue that assessment directly opposes efforts to strengthen creativity in the classroom, while others argue that creativity is too hard to define and measure. But we cannot improve or call attention to what we cannot see. We need to do more to support educators and policymakers in recognising, building, and rewarding creative thinking in education systems. Click here to watch 

Useful CLPL Materials

Designing the Learning


Design Thinking for Educators

mini-project_design_guidance_wdc (1).pdf

PBL Guidance Materials


WDC: Designing for PBL


Planning D.I.Y. Grid


PBL Explained

PBL: Tiny House Project

Most Likely to Succeed Film

Interdisciplinary Learning

idl-ambitous-learning (1).pdf

Further Reading


The Curriculum Theory & Practice: A.V. Kelly

Deep Learning_ Engage the World - Michael Fullan.pdf

Deep Learning: M. Fullan


Metacognition in the Classroom


Future Skills Report


Future Work Skills 2020

Debra Kidd - A Curriculum of Hope As rich in humanity as in knowledge

• Hywell Roberts - Uncharted Territories 

Dylan Wiliam - Principles of Curriculum design 

• Ken Robinson – The Element 

• Guy Claxton – Building Learning Power 

• Ron Berger – Expeditionary Learning 

• Debra Kidd - Teaching: Notes from the front line 

• Tim Taylor – Mantle of the Expert a Beginners Guide 

• Mary Myatt – From Gallimaufry to Coherence 

• Becky Carlzon – Learning Powered Kids 

• The Pedagogy of Poverty vs Good Teaching 

• Daniel Wilingham 

• Mick Waters: Thinking Allowed on Schools 

CambridgeLifeCompetencies_CreativeThinkingBooklet_ISSUUPDF_082020_21 (1).pdf

Creative Thinking



CambridgeLifeCompetencies_CommunicationBooklet_ISSUUPDF_082020 (1).pdf


CambridgeLifeCompetencies_CriticalThinkingBooklet_ISSUU_092020_21 (1).pdf

The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework: Case Study


The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework: Young Learners


The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework: Teenage Learners


The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework: Adult Learners