
Learning to learn, to keep trying, to have integrity, empathy, and compassion,

and to always be a learner.

The rate of change for what we need to know and be able to do at work is accelerating, and it is essential that we continue to learn new skills and knowledge throughout our working lives. Even within schools, developing effective learning skills underpins our students’ success in all subjects, and is critical to building their autonomy and self-direction. Education and training needs to focus as much on the skills of learning as on the outputs of learning.

We have identified three Core Areas within Character:

  • Proactive stance towards life and learning to deep learn

  • Grit tenacity, persaverance, and resilience

  • Empathy, compassion, and integrity

Character is a constellation of habits, and habits are tendencies that are built up over time. If you regularly find yourself in a culture – a family, for example – where the people you look up to continually model, value and expect politeness, honesty or curiosity, you are likely to grow towards those qualities, as a plant grows toward the sun. Such habits begin to become part of your natural way of being.” Guy Claxton