Critical Thinking

Evaluating information and arguments, seeing patterns and connections, constructing

meaningful knowledge, and applying it in the real world

Critical thinking refers to higher levels of thinking that learners need to enable them to think effectively and rationally about what they want to do and what they believe is the best action. Thinking critically is effortful (Halpern, 2014) and consists of skills such as identifying links between ideas, analysing and evaluating arguments and undertaking reasoning, in order to come to appropriate conclusions.).

We have identified three Core Areas within Critical Thinking:

-Making Connections and Identifying Patterns

- Evaluating Information and Arguments

- Meaningful Knowledge Construction

- Experimenting, reflecting and taking actions on ideas in the real world

According to the Education Endowment Foundation Metacognition & Self-regulation is one of the highest impact but lowest cost ways of accelerating pupil progress. How are you using it?