School Uniform

Our school uniform is:

Black skirt or trousers

Yellow polo shirt or white shirt and tie

Burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan

Black shoes/trainers which children can fasten independently

We will be learning actively in our classrooms, outside in the school grounds and in the gym hall. We will often use felt-tipped pens, whiteboard markers, paint and glue in school.  If an activity is particularly messy we will wear aprons or all in one waterproof suits.  

Our uniforms may get dirty, but we will be happy, active and learning. 

Please do not send your child into school wearing leggings, trainers or hoodies as these are not part of our recommended uniform. 

Ordering School Uniform

Our school uniform can be ordered through Baru using this website: 

or by telephoning:

0141 848 5755

Lost Property 

We encourage our children to look after their own belongings as much as possible, however, we know that some items can get lost or left behind. All items are gathered into our lost property boxes, which are regularly put out for parents/carers to be reunited with any missing items. 

In order to reduce any risk of items being lost, we kindly ask that all personal items are clearly marked with your child's name so that we can return these if found. These include clothing, water bottles, pencil cases and other personal items. 

The school do not hold any responsibility for any personal items going missing.