
We value the role parents and carers play as partners in learning and seek to communicate regularly with you about the progress of your child and how we can work together. We will use a variety of methods to keep in touch. We have listed the main methods of communication below for your reference. 

Text Messaging/Telephone Calls

We use both telephone calls and text messages to keep parents/carers informed of important announcements or updates from the school. 

Telephone calls will be used to discuss aspects of your child's learning at school. If your child becomes unwell at school or needs collected from school, we will notify you through telephone call also. 

Text messages will be used to communicate important messages regarding school events.  We will use the primary contact in the personal details you shared with us when you enrolled your child. 

Please ensure that you notify the school office if your telephone number changes so that you do not miss any updates. 


Emails are regularly used by the school to send newsletters and any other relevant and important information to you. These will be sent to the main contact held on record. 

If your email address changes, please notify the school office as soon as possible and we will update this. 

If you need to contact the school via email, the following email address should be used in the first instance.

Google Classroom

All West Dunbartonshire schools use online Google Classrooms to promote online digital learning.  This has been particularly beneficial during this period of school closure.  

You will soon be invited to set up an OurCloud Google account for your child and will be added to a Google classroom designed to help aid transition to Primary One.  We will share this link here when available.


We regularly use Twitter/X to share our learning activities, achievements, school updates and to share links that we think will be of benefit to our families.

You can follow our account by following @SchoolBraehead or clicking on the link below. 

Queries and Questions

Our staff are always on hand to help with any questions or queries you may have regarding your child at school. If you are unsure of anything, please do not hesitate to contact the school office and a member of staff will assist.