Getting Ready For School

There are lots of things you can do at home to help your child prepare for starting school in August. We have listed some of these ideas below, with some accompanying websites and resources that may help.

Can your child recognise their own name? Make labels and use them round the house for anything and everything. A name sign for their bedroom door, a label on their snack tub, shoes, water bottles etc.

Can your child write their own name? Provide lots of opportunities to do this at home, making sure only the first letter is a capital.

Encourage independence whenever you can - can your child take off and put on their own coat? Can they manage a zip? Practice getting changed into shorts and t-shirt, and packing a bag for gym.

Can your child put their shoes on the correct feet? Cut a sticker in half and stick inside shoes - can they match the picture?

Ask your child to open their own snacks, and find a bin for the rubbish to go in when they are finished.

Encourage your child to use the toilet independently, and wash and dry hands. Sing a simple song to make sure that handwashing takes at least 20 seconds.

Resources to help you at home

The following resources may help you to plan learning experiences at home. Remember the focus at the moment should be on PLAY, and having lots of fun at home.

Colouring Checklist.pdf
school checklist.pdf
what will i wear.pdf