Music Games

Hello there. It seems like the videos I posted here don't always play or appear. I created a youtube channel called 3M Music (you know, Mrs. McKenney-Myers). I will be uploading videos. If you click on the playlists, you will see music games, rhythm challenge, notation challenge, and whatever else I come up with. When I created it, I selected "for kids"- kid friendly videos. These are just an online collection of musical activities that we do in class.

Notation Games

Music Teacher Games:

Treble clef keyboard notes found under the piano keys button. Middle c is marked with an M. They show you a note on the staff and you have to click the matching note on the piano keys. If you are correct, they play a major chord. If you are incorrect, they hit a bunch of keys. This one keeps score and gives you 10 seconds to make your selection before moving on to the next note. Under piano keys, there is also a bass clef activity that works the same way. For you piano players who take lessons, this would be great for you to practice your skills. As with any game from this site, create a login if you want feedback. You should only have to do it once.

Whack a Note:

I like that this shows you one note at a time. Works just like the whack a mole carnival game only you are searching for the note specified. It shows what the note looks like on the staff (pay attention to its location- line/space, which one) then you have to click each card that pops up with that note on it.

Music Teacher Games:

This link is for treble clef note names. On this page, if you hover over the "Lines and Spaces" button, you will be able to access bass clef, alto clef, and mixed clef notation drills. Note- clicking on the category button generates an error message. Hit the back button and hover over the button to access the game you want to try.

The Piano Player:

When I opened this, an ad was playing and there was alot of extra buttons on the screen. Wait for the add to finish and then you will see the piano player game in the center screen. All scrolling and navigation comes from the game in the center of the screen. I recommend starting with beginner (only level with key labels). Click the piano key that matches the note shown on the staff.

Note Name Flash Cards:

While not a game, if you want some basic drill/practice, this will do the job. Select what you want from the pink box. Click the more flashcards button and see a new set. Identify the note shown then click the flashcard to see if you are correct. Don't click the start button- has nothing to do with the "game".

Instrument Identification

Orchestra game:

Instrument identification in an orchestral setting. After the game, the group plays a song. Clicking exit closes the window.

Music Teacher Games:

This link is for the instrument identification game- found under the music symbols button. An instrument will play and you must click the correct one from the choices given. Your score will accumulate so watch that to determine if you got a correct or incorrect answer. In order to get feedback you must login. The site states that logins are free.

Rhythms/note values

Music Teacher Games:

This is Orphanage One- a note value identification game found under the music symbols button. Great for telling the difference between quarter, half, eighth, and 16th notes. Watch your score to determine if your answers are correct or not. Create a login if you want feedback.

Music Teacher Games:

Rhythm one is found under the rhythm button. There are a few games in that category but this is one that most students grades 3-6 (probably some grade 2 also) should be successful at. Anyone can try any games in the category. Click new, then start. Click the space bar when the green dot lines up with a note. If you are on the beat then a green check will appear below the note. A red x indicates that you were not in time. Once the pattern is complete, your feedback will appear. Click new and start to get a new pattern.


Storm Chasers:

Melodic direction. Directions appear for the game. Your score appears after each example is played.

Melody Mayhem:

Recognize the melody. Click the play (speaker) button to play a melody. Compare the 2 passages on screen to select the melody that was played. Feedback is immediate.

Creating Music block game:

Choose your level (easy, medium, hard). Follow the directions. Create a melody, listen to it, and recognize it when multiple melodies are played. Easy starts with 3 notes, medium with 5 notes, and hard with 8 notes.

Comparing Music block game:

Click each balloon to hear the melodies. Click same or different box. Audible "that's right" or "oops not quite" to tell you if you are right or wrong. Screen does not change for next example so when you hear the freedback, just click the balloons again to hear the next example. Progress bar at top shows where you are in the game.