Bilingual Education


Two Voices, One World~~ Dos voces, un mundo

What are the advantages of a Dual Language Program?

  • Students in dual language program do as well or better than students learning only in English on standardized tests given in English.
  • Students participating in dual language programs close the achievement gap that currently exists between English Language Learners and general education students.
  • Students in dual language programs develop respect for multiple cultural heritages.
  • Students' cognitive function is positively impacted when they learn a second language.
  • Students in dual language programs increase their marketable skills in a global society.

*Dual Language in Pre-K*

In pre-k dual language follows a self contained 50/50 model. This simply means that your child will learn Spanish and English from the same teacher in the same classroom, on alternating days. The classroom will reflect both languages equally. Instruction will be delivered in the target language of the day.

*Please rest assure that no matter what the language of the day is, your child's needs will be met*

Sample Week 1: Sample Week 2:

Monday Spanish Monday English

Tuesday English Tuesday Spanish

Wednesday Spanish Wednesday English

Thursday English Thursday Spanish

Friday Spanish Friday English

90/10 Bilingual Classroom

Our transitional bilingual Pre-K class provides 90% Spanish and 10% English instruction. English language learners develop reading, writing, speaking, listening and mathematics skills in there dominant language, Spanish. Subsequently, their skills and strategies are utilized as they learn English.

Estrellita Sound Chart

If possible please review with your child and have fun!

~Estrellita Pre-K Reading Program

The Ossining Dual Language program has taken on Estrellitas as the official Literacy Program to help our students learn to read in Spanish. In Pre-K the program focuses on developing a strong foundation in pre -reading skills such as:

oral language development

phonological awareness

print awareness

letter knowledge