Daily Schedule

Mrs. Funk’s Daily Schedule 

M,Tu,Th, F (Regular Day Schedule)

8:55-9:15 - Welcome/Morning Work

9:15-10:50 - Instructional Block 1: English Language Arts (may include, but not limited to):

10:50-11:10 - Recess 

11:10-12:15 - Instructional Block 2: ELA (may include, but not limited to):

12:15-1:00- Lunch/Recess

1:00-2:15 - Instructional Block 3: Math

2:15-2:35- TRACK (extra PE minutes)

2:35-3:35 - Instructional Block 4: Intervention/Enrichment

3:35 - Dismissal

*PE will be every Monday from 8:55-9:25

*Library will be every Tuesday from 1:00-1:30

*Enrichment will be every Tuesday & Thursday (social studies, art, and/or music will be taught by our Enrichment Teacher)

Wednesday (Minimum Day Schedule)

8:55-9:15- Welcome/ Morning Work

9:15-11:15- Instructional Block 1: Social Studies/Science/Enrichment (may include, but not limited to):

11:15-12:05 - Lunch/Recess

12:05-1:05- Instructional Block 2: Community Building/Technology (may include, but not limited to):

1:05 - Dismissal