Gecko Happenings

Gecko Happenings is a page to highlight the students' activities in PYP, MYP or DP. Each week the IB Coordinators will highlight classroom activities from one of the three programs. They will rotate programs throughout the year!

This Week We Are Hearing From the DP

As Grades 9-12 students look forward to returning to the OSC campus on Monday 8th November, we will be adjusting back to the old norm! The last 18 months or so have been challenging, and challenges remain as we continue to guide ourselves through 2021 and beyond. Being on campus will allow teachers and students to engage in certain activities they haven’t been able to do for a long time! As a physics teacher, I am excited for the students to put to good use our newest equipment acquisitions! But equally, some activities have been well-suited to online learning or home learning

DP2 Hallowe’en spirit! Any easy image to produce when you are all on Zoom!

For example, the DP2 Visual Art students benefitted from their diverse locations during a recent ‘indirect selfie’ project that would have been less diverse if tackled on-campus. Students were challenged to “Take a series of photos of yourself indirectly, using only reflections, shadows, etc. Think about context, where are you, what is in the picture, what story does it tell? Think about composition, how have you framed it, placed it, cropped it.” What a creative, open-ended task, encouraging students to use their imagination and environment to come up with a unique product. Please enjoy a walk through their gallery, kindly shared by the DP Visual Arts teacher, Kath Eagle.

DP2 Indirect Selfie Gallery