2022-2 Slovakia

Slovakia February 2022.pdf

This is the program of activities during virtual mobility from 8 - 10 February 2022.


School system in Slovakia.pptx

The mobility started with official speech held by the headteacher of ZŠ Československej armády, Prešov Mrs. Ľubica Kohániová.

Then we continued by presenting the Slovak school system and the host school, held by Mrs. Adriana Gočová, deputy.


Natural beauties, national parks, caves and UNESCO heritage sites of Slovakia were presented on the first meeting day.

The participating students could test their knowledge about Slovakia by passing the following online activities.



Last part was planning a 3-day trip to Slovakia. Here is the link for the places the students from partner countries would like to visit.



The second day of virtual mobility started with presenting the culture of Slovakia - its dance, music and musical instruments, songs, folk costumes, food and dialect. After the presentation, all the students passed the kahoot quiz.


February traditions in Slovakia.pptx

The second day continued with February traditions across partner countries. Each partner presented its tradition celebrated in school, city or country.

After sharing celebrations, we wrote our feedback focused on similarities and differences through the padlet wall.


Crafts in Slovakia.pptx

The third and last day was about Slovak crafts - still alive, dying out and disappeared. Slovak students described the crafts through photos and videos as well. All students could test their knowledge through the online game.


Some of the crafts are well-known in other partners countries but there are some unique ones. See the feedback on the padlet wall.


As conclusion on our knowledge as the last activity students and teachers passed the kahoot quiz. What do you know about Slovakia?

Test yourself https://1url.cz/uKP5X