Seminar for teachers to spread new knowledges
Seminar for teachers to spread new knowledges
Gianna and Francesca, on 28th October 2019, presented all the teachers of Institute results of activities in Portugal.
The numerous teachers present followed the presentation with great enthusiasm and interest.
Seminar for teachers
Seminar for teachers
On 14th November 2019, we organized a seminar with teachers to show the details of the project and to report the information received on the Portuguese school system.
Many colleagues were present at the meeting and they enjoyed the feedback activities proposed.
Seminar for teachers
Seminar for teachers
Let’s share Knowledge obtained during meeting in Portugal
Let’s share Knowledge obtained during meeting in Portugal
Newspaper article
Newspaper article
La Nazione - Quotidiano nazionale - daily newspaper
La Nazione - Quotidiano nazionale - daily newspaper
19 November 2019
Seminar for students to spread knowledges
Seminar for students to spread knowledges
Monday 13 January 2020
Monday 13 January 2020
News paper article
News paper article
Il Giornale di Pistoia - weekly newspaper - 17 January 2020
Il Giornale di Pistoia - weekly newspaper - 17 January 2020
Newspaper article
Newspaper article
"IL TIRRENO" - daily newspaper
"IL TIRRENO" - daily newspaper
17 MARCH 2022
Newspaper article
Newspaper article
"GIORNALE di PISTOIA e della VALDINIEVOLE" - weekly newspaper
"GIORNALE di PISTOIA e della VALDINIEVOLE" - weekly newspaper
1 APRIL 2022
Newspaper article
Newspaper article
La Nazione - Quotidiano nazionale - daily newspaper
La Nazione - Quotidiano nazionale - daily newspaper
25 MAY 2022
25 MAY 2022
Seminar for students, teachers, parents and Municipalities
Seminar for students, teachers, parents and Municipalities
Mayor of Municipality of Abetone Cutigliano Mister Marcello Danti
Mayor of Municipality of san Marcello Piteglio Mister Luca Marmo
Community representatives
Community representatives

Poland Mobility -
Poland Mobility -
Seminar for students
Newspaper article
Newspaper article
"Il Giornale di Pistoia e della Valdinievole"- weekly newspaper
"Il Giornale di Pistoia e della Valdinievole"- weekly newspaper
27 May 2022