Student with disabilities

Accommodating students with disabilities at Ontario Tech is a responsibility shared among

various partners: the students themselves, SAS staff and faculty members. To ensure that

disability-related concerns are properly addressed during this course, students with

documented disabilities and who may require assistance to participate in this class are

encouraged to speak with me as soon as possible. Students who suspect they have a

disability that may affect their participation in this course are advised to go to Student

Accessibility Services (SAS) as soon as possible. Maintaining communication and working

collaboratively with SAS and faculty members will ensure you have the greatest chance of

academic success.

Students taking courses on north Oshawa campus can visit Student Accessibility Services in

UL Building, Room 2 (located near the library). Students taking courses on the downtown

Oshawa campus can visit Student Accessibility Services in the 61 Charles St. Building, 2nd

Floor, Room DTA 225 in the Student Life Suite.

Disability-related and accommodation support is available for students with mental health,

physical, mobility, sensory, medical, cognitive, or learning challenges. Office hours are

8:30am-4:30pm, Mon-Fri. For more information on services provided, you can visit the SAS

website at

Students may contact Student Accessibility Services by calling 905-721-3266, or email

Students who require the use of the Test Centre to write tests, midterms, or quizzes MUST

register online using the SAS test/exam sign-up module, found here Students must sign up

for tests, midterms or quizzes AT LEAST seven (7) days before the date of the test.

Students must register for final exams by the registration deadline, which is typically two (2)

weeks prior to the start of the final examination period. SAS will notify students of the

registration deadline date.