Academic Integrity

Students and faculty at Ontario Tech share an important responsibility to maintain the integrity of the teaching and learning relationship. This relationship is characterized by honesty, fairness and mutual respect for the aims and principles of the pursuit of education. Academic misconduct impedes the activities of the university community and is punishable by appropriate disciplinary action.

Students are expected to be familiar with and abide by Ontario Tech’s regulations on Academic Conduct (Section 5.16 of the Academic Calendar) which sets out the kinds of actions that constitute academic misconduct, including plagiarism, copying or allowing one’s own work to copied, use of unauthorized aids in examinations and tests, submitting work prepared in collaboration with another student when such collaboration has not been authorized, and other academic offences. The regulations also describe the procedures for dealing with allegations, and the sanctions for any finding of academic misconduct, which can range from a written reprimand to permanent expulsion from the university. A lack of familiarity with UOIT’s regulations on academic conduct does not constitute a defense against its application.

Extra support services are available to all UOIT students in academic development, study skills, counseling, and peer mentorship. More information on student support services can be found in the Academic Calendar (Section 8).