Matters Relative to Assignments

1. Please use APA style as outlined in our university library’s guidebook:

ry/PDF/APA.pdf(Link doesn't work)

2. PLAGIARISM is an extremely serious academic offence and carries penalties varying

from failure in an assignment to suspension from the University. Definitions, penalties

and procedures for dealing with plagiarism are set out in the UOIT’s "Academic Conduct

Policy" which is printed in section 5.15 of the UOIT Calendar. It outlines what Academic

Misconduct and Professional Unsuitability means and the penalties for violating this


3. For your protection: because assignments sometimes get lost, and because

questions of authorship sometimes arise, it is essential that you be able to document

your creative process in producing assignments. You should keep your research notes

and rough drafts for essays and assignments, even after the finished work has been

graded and returned. When composing on a computer, preserve copies of work in

progress at regular intervals so that you have a track record of how the assignment

evolved. Print hard copies of the work at different stages, or use the ‘save as’ function

on the computer to record successive drafts. The sequence of drafts should be carefully

noted. An inability to provide these materials, if requested, will constitute grounds for

failure on the assignment and will result in a report kept on file in the Faculty of


4. All assignments must be original, produced by you, and prepared for this course

alone. An essay prepared for or used in another course will be failed automatically. If

you are drawing from assignments done for previous or current courses, please discuss

this before submission.