Religious Studies

Collaboration between QEII & RGS

Details of the Examination Specification

Religious Studies WJEC 1120QS

KS5 Religious Studies - March 2021.mp4

What do I need to know or be able to do before taking this course? 

Can we believe scripture? Is the Bible authentic? Who wrote it? Did Jesus exist? Would he be shocked by what his followers believe about him today? Do we have a moral duty to love our neighbour? Who is our neighbour anyway? Does God exist? Are we just robots? Is life lived in front of CCTV? Is there such a thing as evil? Do words mean what they say? The syllabus encourages an academic approach to the study of Philosophy of Religion and Ethics with an Introduction to the Study of Religion. You do not need to be religious to study it, nor is it a means of making you religious. No specific qualification is necessary - you do not need to have the GCSE in RS - but an aptitude in English and/or Humanities is essential. You will need a desire to read and analyse sources. 

What will I learn on this A Level course? 

The Advanced GCE Exam is in three parts: 

A Level 

Component One: A Study of a Religion

Component Two: Philosophy of Religion 

There are four themes within this component: 

Component Three: Religion and Ethics

There are four themes within this component: 

Is this subject right for me? 

Religious Studies is both a highly academic study and a personally fulfilling course. You will develop your skills of critical analysis by a deep and broad study of philosophical and ethical approaches to religious belief. Critical reading skills and willingness to write at length are essential. 

How will I be assessed? 

All Units are assessed by written examination. 

What can I do after I complete the course? 

By studying this course you will not only learn about important features of the modern world, but you will also develop academic skills and personal understanding that will put you in good stead for a wide variety of further education courses and career options. Religious Studies is a highly regarded academic study, which provides a good basis for further study and a wide range of career choice. Obviously there is no specific job that demands RS (no, not even the clergy!), but the skills that you develop in the course are wide ranging in their application, including journalism, law, teaching and social work.