Computer Science 

Collaboration Between QEII, CRHS and RGS

Details of the Examination Specification

Computer Science AQA (7517) 

KS5 Computer Science - March 2021.mp4

What do I need to know or be able to do before taking this course? 

It is recommended that you have a Grade A in IGCSE Computer Science to do A Level Computer Science. Students that have not studied Computer Science before but have a Grade A or B in GCSE Mathematics would be considered suitable. This course will include learning to program using the language C# which will require much practice beyond the set homework tasks, so students should have a keen interest and be prepared to commit themselves to their studies. 

What will I learn on this A Level course? 

The A Level in Computer Science should encourage students:  

What kind of student is this course suitable for? 

A Level Computer Science is suitable for students who want to work in the IT/Computing industry, to go on to University to take a computer related course or just know more about how the computer works and how to program it. Scientists, architects and animators are all careers that benefit from having a grounding in Computer Science. 

What examinations will I have to take to get my qualification?

Scheme of Assessment

Where can I find out more? Full details of the specification can be found on AQA’s web site: