Details of the Examination Specification
French AQA (7651) AS (7652) A-level
What do I need to know or be able to do before taking this course?
In order to study A-Level French, students will normally have acquired the knowledge, understanding and skills equivalent to those specified for GCSE at Higher Tier.
What equipment is needed?
App: Larousse French Dictionary
What kind of student is this course suitable for?
The independent, future European citizen who may wish to combine the study of French with a degree in Law, Theatre Studies, Psychology, European Studies, Medicine, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, German, Accountancy, Mathematics etc.
AS/A Level Year 1 (AS certification 7651)
Paper 1: Listening, Reading and Writing: Written exam, 1 hour 45 minutes, 80 marks, 45% of AS
Paper 2: Writing: Written exam, 1 hour 15 minutes, 60 marks, 25% of AS
Paper 3: Speaking: Oral exam, 12-14 minutes, 90 marks, 30% of AS
Subject Content
Social Issues and Trends
The changing nature of the family (La famille en voie de changement)
The ‘cyber-society’ (La cyber-société)
The place of voluntary work (Le role du bénévolat)
Artistic Culture
A culture proud of its heritage (Une culture fière de son patrimoine)
Contemporary francophone music (La musique francophone contemporaine)
Cinema: the 7th art form (Cinéma: le septième art)
Literary Texts and Films
Students study one film: ‘La Haine’ by Mathieu Kassovitz
A Level (A Level certification 7652)
Paper 1: Listening, Reading and Writing: Written exam, 2 hours 30 minutes, 160 marks, 50% of A-Level
Paper 2: Writing: Written exam, 2 hours, 60 marks, 20% of A-Level
Paper 3: Speaking: Oral exam, 21-23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation time), 60 marks, 30% of A-Level
Subject Content - AS content plus:
Social Issues and Trends
Positive features of a diverse society (Les aspects positifs d’une société diverse)
Life for the marginalised (Quelle vie pour les marginalisés?)
How criminals are treated (Comment on traite les criminels)
Political and Artistic Culture
Teenagers, the right to vote and political commitment (Les ados, le droit de vote et l’engagement politique)
Demonstrations, strikes, - who holds the power? (Manifestations, grèves – à qui le pouvoir?)
Politics and immigration (La politique et l’immigration)
Literary Texts and Films
Students study one literacy text: ‘Kiffe kiffe demain’ by Faiza Guène