
Collaboration between QEII & RGS

Details of the Examination Specification

Psychology (A) AQA (7182)

KS5 Psychology Presentation - March 2021.mp4

What do I need to know or be able to do before taking this course?  

Psychology is a challenging but very rewarding A Level. You will work incredibly hard, but you will learn exciting and personally relevant information and gain a greater understanding of human behaviour. 

What will I learn on this A Level course?

Is this subject right for me?  

What can I do after I have completed this course? 

Interest in studying Psychology has grown enormously in recent years. Not only is Psychology a fascinating subject to study, but it also prepares students for a very wide range of careers. Some of these have obvious connections with Psychology, such as clinical, forensic and educational Psychology; but Psychology also provides a useful training for a much wider range of career options. These include market research, social work, teaching, nursing, advertising, sales, media and broadcasting, personnel management and even the police and the Armed Forces. 

Next Steps 

If you would like to study Psychology, you may find out more from: