Drama & Theatre Studies


Details of the Exam Specification 

WJEC Drama and Theatre Studies 3690 

Subject Content 

This course is an excellent grounding in scripted and devised performance work combined with creative thinking and contextual understanding of the theatre studies. 

How is the Course Assessed? 

Unit 1: Devising Theatre (40% of marks) 

Students will be marked on ACTING or DESIGN and they will learn how to create, develop and perform a piece of devised theatre. This will focus on either

This exam is internally marked by the class teacher and assessed. It will then be sent for external moderation with a DVD recording, portfolio of evidence and an evaluation of the final performance or design. 

Unit 2: Performing from a Text (20% of marks) 

Students will study two extracts from the same performance text or play. 

Students will be marked on ACTING or DESIGN. 

This will lead to a performance using both extracts. 

This exam is EXTERNALLY marked by a visiting examiner. 

Unit 3: Interpreting Theatre (40% of the marks) 

This unit is a written exam which is 1 hour and 30 minutes long. 

Section A: Set Text 

This will involve the student answering a series of questions relating to one set text that they will have studied in detail in lesson throughout the second year of the course. 

Section B: Live Theatre Review 

Students will have one question to answer in this section. The answer to this question will require analysis and evaluation of a given aspect of a LIVE theatre production which has been seen at some point during the 2 year course. 

What is expected of the Student? 

Students will need to be committed to attending some rehearsals outside of lessons for both scripted and devised group work alongside a keen interest in seeing live theatre. They must attend several theatre visits to see live performances. 

Additional Information 

Students do not need a background or training in Drama to access the course, although any experience will be relevant and put into practice. 

The wider skills gained from completing a GCSE in this subject include;