Business Studies

KS4 Business Presentation2 - March 2021.mp4

Details of the Examination Specification 

Cambridge International Examinations 0450 

What do I need to know or be able to do before taking this course? 

You do not need to have studied any business related topics before taking this course. It is more important that you have a strong interest in the subject matter and want to learn about businesses, how they are organised and what influences how they operate. 

What will I learn on this IGCSE Course? 

Students are encouraged to: 

Subject Content 

The main topics are: 

How is the Course Assessed? 

Paper 1: 

Written paper—short answer and data response questions. 1 hour 30 minutes. 50% of the course marks. 

Paper 2: 

Written paper—data response case study questions. 1 hour 30 minutes. 50% of the course marks. 

Additional information 

For further information regarding IGCSE Business Studies please contact Mr Hampson.